Hello everyone and thank you for visiting this blog! I'm planning to post here all the Prince of Tennis Musicals lyrics, as well as a few screenshots from the musicals I have. I warn you since now that I don't have all the musicals. Oh, by the way, I created this blog so it would be easier for me to organize the lyrics, as all as make them available for those who want to... well, read them? o___O
I'm also the owner of http://ladystrife.blogspot.com
Many people (ok, maybe not THAT much) may notest that I post in portuguese in that blog and in English in this one. That would be because my native-language is portuguese (and this pretty much explains why the heck my English skills are so sadly awful), but since there are people from lots of different countries, I thought it would be better for everyone if I posted in a language that everybody understands. Once again, I apologize for my awful English skills. ^^"
Anyways, enough babbling and let's work. I hope you find this blog useful!! ^^
Ok, so this is what I'm thinking: I'll make a link index here in the left corner of the page. Each of these indexes should contain the lyrics for the songs in the musicals. I hope it get nice, organized and of easy access. I accept sugestions of improvement!
I'm also thinking 'bout posting a few screenshots, but I'm not sure 'bout how to organize them. Also accept sugestions 'bout this! ^^"
If you want to ask for screenshots, feel free to do this! I just don't guarantee I'm getting them THAT soon, since I don't have half of the musicals.
By the way, I'm not posting anything 'bout BuriMyu nor GearMyu (musicals from Bleach and Air Gear), at least not 'til I posted all I can from TeniMyu. Ok?
Lots of lyrics where taken from sites or subtitles. I'm posting the site address either, so you can thank them, not me, since all I'm doing is organize the lyrics.
And... that's it. I hope you enjoy it!
Um comentário:
Thank you so much for the lyrics! I'm building up the wikia for Tenimyu and these have been very, very helpful! Thank you again~
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